Pwn2Win CTF 2020 Writeups

Pwn2Win2020 CTF Writeups

Omni_Crypto challenge writeup [Crypto]

In this challenge, we were given the and output.txt files. implements rsa algorithm with primes of 1024 bits generated using the below function.

def getPrimes(size):
    half = random.randint(16, size // 2 - 8)
    rand = random.randint(8, half - 1)
    sizes = [rand, half, size - half - rand]

    while True:
        p, q = 0, 0
        for s in sizes:
            p <<= s
            q <<= s
            chunk = random.getrandbits(s)
            p += chunk 
            if s == sizes[1]:
                chunk = random.getrandbits(s)
            q += chunk
        p |= 2**(size - 1) | 2**(size - 2) | 1
        q |= 2**(size - 1) | 2**(size - 2) | 1
        if gmpy2.is_prime(p) and gmpy2.is_prime(q):
            return p, q

getPrimes(size) function first generates three random numbers assume them as [s1, s2, s3](sizes list in line 4) with s1 + s2 + s3 = size and few constraints.
Then the function generates primes p and q such that lower s3 bits of p & q are equal and also upper s1 bits of p & q are equal.

p = (pa1 << (s2 + s3)) + (pa2 << s3) + pa3
q = (pa1 << (s2 + s3)) + (qa2 << s3) + pa3

pa1, pa2, pa3 are of sizes s1, s2, s3 bits and upper, middle, lower bits of prime p respectively.
qa2 is same as pa2 but for prime q.

N in terms of pa1, pa2, pa3, qa2 obtained by multiplying above equations is

N = pa3**2 + ((pa3*qa2) << s3) + ((pa3*pa1) << (s2 + s3)) + ((pa2*pa3) << s3) + ((pa2*qa2) << (2*s3)) + ((pa2*pa1) << (s2 + 2*s3)) + ((pa1*pa3) << (s2 + s3)) + ((pa1*qa2) << (s3 + s2 + s3)) + ((pa1**2) << (2*(s2 + s3)))

The lower s3 bits of N come from the lower s3 bits of pa3**2.
==> N % 2**s3 = pa3**2 % 2**s3

so, if we are able to calculate the square root of N % 2**s3 modulo 2**s3, then we will get the original value of pa3 as it is less than 2**s3.
This thread discuss the algorithm to calculate square root modulo powers of 2.
Discussed algorithm works for the given challenge N and we can obtain the value of pa3.

For the value of pa1, the upper bits of the N is approximately equal to pa1**2. so, taking the approximate square root of N >> (2*(s2 + s3)) gives the value of pa1.

As, we can calculate the values of pa1 and pa3, we can use the coppersmith attack to calculate one of the primes.

P.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(N))
f = pa1*(2**(s2 + s3)) + x*(2**s3) + pa3
f = f.monic()
roots = f.small_roots(beta = 0.5)

One problem is that we don’t know the values of s2 and s3. so, we have to check all the possible values and factor N.

After trying all the possible values for s2 and s3, I could not factor N because of a small but bad mistake that I realised after trying another approach which only works for half of the cases.

Another approach which doesn’t depend on coppersmith attack works only if s2 < s3 is

As N can be written as
N = pa3**2 + ((pa3*qa2) << s3) + ((pa3*pa1) << (s2 + s3)) + ((pa2*pa3) << s3) + ((pa2*qa2) << (2*s3)) + ((pa2*pa1) << (s2 + 2*s3)) + ((pa1*pa3) << (s2 + s3)) + ((pa1*qa2) << (s3 + s2 + s3)) + ((pa1**2) << (2*(s2 + s3)))

and as we know the values of pa1 and pa3, we can remove all the terms which depend only on pa1 and pa3 which leaves us with value equal to

remN = ((pa1*qa2 + pa1*pa2) << (s2 + 2*s3)) + ((pa2*qa2) << (2*s3)) + ((pa3*qa2 + pa3*pa2) << s3)
	   = ((pa1*(qa2 + pa2)) << (s2 + 2*s3)) + ((pa2*qa2) << (2*s3)) + ((pa3*(qa2 + pa2)) << s3)

we can find the sum of qa2 and pa2 modulo 2**s3 using remN.

remN % 2**s3 = pa3*(qa2 + pa2) % 2**s3
(qa2 + pa2) % 2**s3 = (remN % 2**s3)*inverse(pa3, 2**s3) % 2**s3

if s2 < s3 then (qa2 + pa2) % 2**s3 = qa2 + pa2.

Now, using the pa1, pa3, qa2 + pa2 and remN, we can calculate the value of qa2*pa2.

And given the sum and product of pa2 & qa2 we can calculate the values of pa2 & qa2 by finding the roots quadratic equation x**2 + b*x + c with b = -(qa2 + pa2) and c = qa2*pa2.

This approach is faster but only works for half of the cases and it doesn’t work for the challenge N.

I realised my mistake that I did while trying coppersmith attack which is : when using small_roots method I only specified the beta parameter and leave out X (upper bound of root) parameter for the method to decide.

So, after trying the coppersmith attack with all the parameters, it found the root.

Decrypting the ciphertext gives us the flag,

FLAG :: Here is the message: CTF-BR{w3_n33d_more_resources_for_th3_0mni_pr0j3ct}\n

solution code :: omni_crypto_solve.sage

Lost_qKeys crypto challenge writeup

In this challenge, we were given with file and an netcat connection.
The basically constructs a quantum circuit based on a password(taken from the user), Key(generated using os.urandom()) and flag. It executes the circuit one time and measures the state of qubits and it gives the measured values to user. uses qiskit framework to simulate the circuit.

The program flow of the is quite simple

First it asks for a password with a prompt passwd: and then it passes the password to below method

    def send_qubits(self, msg, dest):
        qbit_config = self.decode(msg)
        q = qiskit.QuantumRegister(9*len(qbit_config))
        circ = qiskit.QuantumCircuit(q)
        for j, c in enumerate(qbit_config):
            if c=='1':
    return quantum_channel(circ, dest)

msg parameter is the password in the above method.
The password is converted to a bit-string of nbits(padded if necessary).
nbits is equal to 8*len(flag) which in our case is 520.
The method creates a Quantum register with 9*nbits qubits.
It divides all the qubits into groups of size 9 and takes each group of 9 qubits and sets state of first qubit in the group to the corresponding bit of password and then applies same operations on every group of qubits.
Then the method passes control to the following method.

    def read_qubits(self, circ):
        self.received_qubits = circ.qubits
        for i in range(0, len(self.received_qubits), 9):
  [i], self.received_qubits[i+1])
  [i], self.received_qubits[i+2])
            circ.ccx(self.received_qubits[i+1], self.received_qubits[i+2], self.received_qubits[i])
  [i+3], self.received_qubits[i+4])
  [i+3], self.received_qubits[i+5])
            circ.ccx(self.received_qubits[i+4], self.received_qubits[i+5], self.received_qubits[i+3])
  [i+6], self.received_qubits[i+7])
  [i+6], self.received_qubits[i+8])
            circ.ccx(self.received_qubits[i+7], self.received_qubits[i+8], self.received_qubits[i+6])
  [i], self.received_qubits[i+3])
  [i], self.received_qubits[i+6])
            circ.ccx(self.received_qubits[i+3], self.received_qubits[i+6], self.received_qubits[i])

        circ = self.encrypt_flag(circ)

This method also takes each group of 9 qubits and does similar operations an each group and passes control to the encrypt_flag method.

    def encrypt_flag(self, circ):
        self.qbuffer = qiskit.QuantumRegister(self.nbits)

        for i, c in enumerate(self.encoded_flag):
            if c=='1':

        for i in range(len(self.key)):
            if self.key[i]=='1':
        return circ

This is where flag comes into play.The method creates an additional QuantumRegister with size nbits.
In order to understand the solution and the above code we need to have a small understanding of the operations done in all the mentioned functions.

According to Qiskit docs and wikipedia page on Quantum gates

- All the qubits have default state 0 at the time of intialisation in qiskit framework.
- circ.h(qi) represents a Hadamard(H) gate which acts on a single qubit and after this operation there's an equal probability to measure the state of the qubit as 0 or 1.
- circ.x(qi) represents Pauli-X gate which acts on a single qubit and is quantum equivalent of Classical NOT gate i.e flips the state of qubit.
-, qi) is a Controlled NOT gate, if the qubit qc results in state 1 when measured then Pauli-X(Classical NOT) gate is applied on the qubit qi.
-, qi) is a Controlled Hadamard gate, if the qubit qc results in state 1 then Hadamard(H) gate is applied on qubit qi.
- circ.ccx(qc1, qc2, qi) represents Toffoli(CCNOT) gate, if the first two qubits qc1 & qc2 are in state 1 then Pauli-X(Classical NOT) gate is applied on the third qubit qi.

Coming back to encrypt_flag method, as it created the nbits number of qubits.
It assigns each bit of flag to qubit state i.e if flag bit is 1, then qubit is flipped as qubit is intially in state 0 flipping results in state 1.

After flipping necessary qubits accordingly, it adds the Key i.e it iterates over Key bits.
And if key bit is 1 then it passes corresponding flag qubit into Hadamard gate which results in the bit being in state 0 or 1 equally likely. flag qubits are not involved in any of the operation if the corresponding Key bit is 0.

And this is where the main flaw is,

For an nth flag qubit the probability that corresponding key bit is 1 is 1/2
probability that Hadamard gate flips the qubit is 1/2.
so, given a nth flag qubit the probability that it flips is (1/2)*(1/2) = 1/4.
if we take measurements for a noticable number of times then there will be a bias towards the correct bit.

We can use the above observation to calculate the entire flag.

Even though the following method is called after encrypt_flag method which adds some operations to the circuit, it doesn't change the result much.

    def decrypt_flag(self, circ):
        for i in range(self.nbits):
  [9*i], self.qbuffer[i])

        output = qiskit.ClassicalRegister(self.nbits)
        circ.measure(self.qbuffer, output)

        bk = qiskit.Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
        job = qiskit.execute(circ, bk, shots=1)
        res = job.result()
        if not res.success:
            raise MemoryError('You should use a real quantum computer...')
        res = res.get_counts(circ)
        self.res = [self.encode(int(k,2)) for k in res.keys()]

This function adds Controlled Hadamard gate to the flag qubits whose control qubits are taken from the previously created qubits(created based on the user password) and measures the state of flag qubits into output Classical Register and gives the output.

The reason that I think this addition of Controlled Hadamard gates doesn't change much because it only applies on the flag qubits when control qubit is 1 and if we see the operations(in methods send_qubits and read_qubits) which result in the control qubits and using description of the gates we can assume that the probability of control qubit being in state 1 is very less after the operations.

solution code ::

FLAG :: _#__CTF-BR{_1s_th4t_HoW_u_1mPl3meNt_@_QUantUm_0ne_t1m3_paD_???}_\\