TokyoWesterns CTF 2020 XOR and shift Writeup

XOR and shift encryptor [Crypto]

Understanding the

The overall execution flow of program is as follows:

enc.dat contains the ciphertext, generating the keystream and xoring it with enc.dat will give the flag.

state is updated as follows

def randgen():
  global s,p # s -> state
  a = 3
  b = 13
  c = 37
  s0 = s[p]
  p = (p + 1) & 63
  s1 = s[p]
  res = (s0 + s1) & ((1<<64)-1)
  s1 ^= (s1 << a) & ((1<<64)-1)
  s[p] = (s1 ^ s0 ^ (s1 >> b) ^ (s0 >> c))  & ((1<<64)-1)
  return res

jump function is used to update the state for n rounds directly, it’s implementation is removed from the given source file.

basic working of jump function can be inferred from the check_jump() function.

naive implementation of jump function would be

def jump(to):
	for _ in range(to):

Running the by replacing the flag with enc.dat would give us the flag if it could complete it’s execution.

The problem here is jump(to) is too slow, as to parameter is of size 64 bits.
It has to iterate that many times for each character, any sane person would agree that it will take ages to complete its execution and more likely the process will be Killed much early on.

In order to solve the challenge, all that remains is to optimise the jump(to) function.

reformulating state update operations (randgen())

s1 ^= (s1 << a) & ((1<<64)-1) # s0 = s[p], s1 = s[p+1], p += 1 % 64
s[p] = (s1 ^ s0 ^ (s1 >> b) ^ (s0 >> c))  & ((1<<64)-1)

In each round, state value at index p is updated by doing bit-wise operations between state[p] and state[p-1]

One thing that caught my attention is that only bitwise operations are used because from the moment I watched @LiveOverflow video writeup for software update challenge [Link] I made sure to try representing bitwise operations especially xor used in the challenge as some mathematical operations and to work on them.

Though it’s not necessary to understand this solution, I strongly recommend to watch that video.

Coming back to our solution, my intial thoughts were

Encoding as Polynomials \mathbb{F}

xor operation can be replaced with polynomial addition as it is property of underlying Field.

I know that rotation of bits can be represented as primitive operation of polynomials [Link]. I couldn’t find a way to represent left shift (<<) and right shift (>>) as a primitive operation.

Encoding as vectors

similar to polynomial addition, xor can be replaced with vector addition.

Through some googling, I found out about Shift Matrices.
A Shift Matrix can be used to shift a column vector upwards or downwards by multiplying it with column vector.

e.g shift matrix for n = 4

\begin{equation*} U = \begin{pmatrix} 0&1&0&0\\0&0&1&0\\0&0&0&1\\0&0&0&0 \end{pmatrix} ,\quad L = \begin{pmatrix} 0&0&0&0\\1&0&0&0\\0&1&0&0\\0&0&1&0 \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*}

si << 1 = Un * tovec(si) # n = si.bit_length()
si >> 1 = Ln * tovec(si)

# shifting left or right a times is equivalent to repeated multiplication
# of shift matrix

si << a = (Un**a) * tovec(si)
si >> a = (Ln**a) * tovec(si)

All the operations used in randgen() function can be represented as

ti ^ ri = tovec(ti) + tovec(ri)
ti << a = (Un ** a) * tovec(ti)
ti >> a = (Ln ** a) * tovec(ti)

Construct final Matrix M

From now onwards, I will use si to represent integer as well as a vector interchangeably.

For a better understanding, let’s consider a small state of 4 elements(4 bits each)

let \begin{equation*}state = \begin{matrix}s0&s1&s2&s3\end{matrix}\end{equation*}

and I be an Identiry Matrix

Round 1(p=0):

s1 = s1 ^ (s1 << a) & ((1<<4)-1) # s0 = s[p], s1 = s[p+1], p += 1 % 4
s[p] = (s1 ^ s0 ^ (s1 >> b) ^ (s0 >> c))  & ((1<<4)-1)

\begin{align} & s1 = s1 + (U_{4}^{a} * s1) = (U_{4}^{a} + I) * s1\hspace{50cm} \

\begin{align} & s1 = s0 + (U_{4}^{a} + I) * s1 + L_{4}^{b} * (U_{4}^{a} + I) * s1 + L_{4}^{c} * s0 \hspace{50cm} \

\begin{align} & s1 = (L_{4}^{c} + I) * s0 + (L_{4}^{b} * (U_{4}^{a} + I) + (U_{4}^{a} + I)) * s1\hspace{50cm}\
Let \begin{equation*} X = (L_{4}^{c} + I) \

\begin{equation*} Y = (L_{4}^{b} * (U_{4}^{a} + I) + (U_{4}^{a} + I)) \

then, \begin{equation*} s1 = X * s0 + Y * s1 \

we can represent this operation as matrix multiplication :
let state be a column vector and N be a null Matrix

Consider \begin{equation*} M1 = \begin{pmatrix} I&N&N&N\\X&Y&N&N\\N&N&I&N\\N&N&N&I \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*} and \begin{equation*} M1 * state = \begin{pmatrix} I&N&N&N\\X&Y&N&N\\N&N&I&N\\N&N&N&I \end{pmatrix} \quad * \quad \begin{pmatrix} s0\\s1\\s2\\s3 \end{pmatrix} \quad = \quad \begin{pmatrix} s0\\X * s0 + Y * s1\\s2\\s3 \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*}

similarly we can generate Mi for Round 2, 3, 4 (p=1,2,3):

\begin{equation*} s2 = X * s1 + Y * s2 \

\begin{equation*} s3 = X * s2 + Y * s2 \

\begin{equation*} s0 = X * s3 + Y * s0 \


\begin{equation*} M2 = \begin{pmatrix} I&N&N&N\\N&I&N&N\\N&X&Y&N\\N&N&N&I \end{pmatrix} ,\quad M3 = \begin{pmatrix} I&N&N&N\\N&I&N&N\\N&N&I&N\\N&N&X&Y \end{pmatrix} ,\quad M4 = \begin{pmatrix} Y&N&N&X\\N&I&N&N\\N&N&I&N\\N&N&N&I \end{pmatrix} \end{equation*}

Using Matrices M1, M2, M3, M4 state can be updated by multiplying corresponding matrix based on p value.

suppose p = 0, updating state for 8 rounds i.e jump(to) can be written as \begin{equation*} (M4 * (M3 * (M2 * (M1 * (M4 * (M3 * (M2 * (M1 * state)))))))) \end{equation*} As Matrix multiplication is Associative, we can change above equation as \begin{equation*} ((M4 * M3 * M2 * M1) * (M4 * M3 * M2 * M1)) * state) \end{equation*}

By taking \begin{equation*} M = M4 * M3 * M2 * M1 \end{equation*}

we can write above equation as \begin{equation*} M^{2} * state \end{equation*}

Using M, jump(to) can be written as

def jump(to):
	global pstate, pind
	# make pind(p) equal to zero as
	while pind != 0 and to > 0:
		res = randgen()
		to -= 1
	if to == 0:
	powne = to // 4
	Mn = genMn(powne) # calculates M**pown
	state = (Mn * ints_2_state(pstate, dimension))
	pstate = state_2_ints(state, dimension)
	for _ in range(to % 4):

We can extend the above approach very easily for state with length 64.
